Cornerstone Diagnostics @Work

Ryan Vaughan
District Business Manager

Many people work in different roles at Cornerstone Diagnostics. The Cornerstone Diagnostics @Work series offers a glimpse behind the scenes into this busy reference laboratory, featuring staff from throughout the organization talking about what they do and why they do it.

What brought you to Cornerstone Diagnostics, and how long have you been here?

I have been at Cornerstone Diagnostics for over five years. I came to Cornerstone after many conversations with friends and owners of Cornerstone Diagnostics, who thought I could contribute to the growth of the company and directly enhance client relationships. I accepted my first role as a Clinical Sales Manager and have now transitioned into a District Business Manager.   

What is your current role and what does a work day look like for you?

As a District Business Manager my day consists of managing client relationships and assisting them to the best of my ability. I work closely with Physician offices, device sales, DOT testing, workplace testing, background checks and many other types of clients and service markets.

How does the work you do benefit providers and patients?

Being knowledgeable about certain criteria and requirements that have been established by CMS guidelines is extremly beneficial to providers and their patients. In addition, our services and products help providers who utilize Cornerstone as their trusted lab provider.

Is there anything about your role that people might find surprising or unexpected?

It's challenging but extremely rewarding. Not one single day is the same. So, in order to be successful you have to manage the industry challenges and be flexible to meet and exceed the expectations of clients. 

What part of your job do you find the most challenging?

The most challenging part of my job is trying to work within various clinical platforms and processes. Whether it be through an integration process with their EMR or from a compliance standpoint with the frequency of testing.

What gives you meaning and purpose in your work?

The purpose that I like to prove and live by is trusting in our laboratory service process. Cornerstone Diagnostics has proven to be a compliant and trusted lab provider by our multitude of customers.

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Isaiah 28:16: Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.